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Cecil Beaton

1997.4.25 - 6.28

Fashion, War and Portraits by Cecil Beaton

"Cocteau with a camera, Dali of fashion”

This British artist showed his versatility in various fields of art from the 1920s to the 70s, but it was his career as a photographer that structured his reputation and made him a legend. Through his exchanges with gorgeous people in high societies, his portraits harmonized classic beauty with modern refinement; favored so much as to be appointed as the court photographer of the British Royal Family.

Karl Lang 1920s

To shed light once again to such achievements, we present documentary work by Beaton, alongside earlier work that flourished his talents that led him into a marvelous career. Beaton’s distinct elegance, drama and snobbish aesthetics can be experienced through these beautiful vintage prints, and we hope to provide you with a suitable opportunity to come close to Beaton’s art once again.

Greta Garbo 1946

Drugstore Service 1937