G A L L E R Y   N A R U Y A M A


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[Bible] ©Momo Okabe

[Bible] ©Momo Okabe

岡部は2015年オランダ、フォーム美術館が若手写真家に与えるFoam's Paul Huf awardを日本人として初めて受賞し、かの地で作家自身最初のワンマンショーを開催しました。

独特な色彩で表された彼女の私小説は、深く愛した恋人との家族写真、記憶の記録である「Dildo」(session press, NY,2013年)と、死に対する絶望と恐怖、怒りの暴力的エネルギー,過去との長く暗い葛藤の末に獲得した心象風景「Bible」(session press, NY,2014年)で構成されています。


1999年写真新世紀優秀賞受賞、荒木経惟選(P3 art and environment、東京)
2014年KASSEL PHOTOBOOK AWARD 入選(ThePhotoBookMuseum Cologne)
2015年Foam's Paul Huf award(Foam Museum, Amsterdam) 受賞
2012年UNSEEN/TSUNAMI(with Kohey Kanno)(Dashwood Books, NY)
2013年DILDO(session press, NY)
2014年バイブル(session press, NY)等がある。

岡部 桃 Momo OKABE   Bible & Dildo
水、日、祭日 休廊

Gallery Naruyama is pleased to present Momo Okabe’s exhibition.
Okabe is the first Japanese photographer who has received Foam’s Paul Huf award (a photography prize initiated by Dutch museum “FOAM” for photographers under 35 across the world) in 2015.

Her autobiographical stories are expressed with unique colors. "Dildo" (Session Press N.Y. 2013) is a document of memories with the partner she loved deeply. "Bible" (Session Press N.Y. 2014) contains her imagined scenery acquired by undergoing a mental conflict.
Images such as wreckages caused by the earthquake or a sex-change operation are elegiac and give strong impressions though they are not a sorrow of the end. She considers they are the starting point and describes conflicts without any attitude.

1981 Born in Tokyo in 1981
2004 Received B.F.A. in photography from Nihon University of Art
1999 Special Award "The 8th Exhibition of New Cosmos of Photography" selected by Nobuyoshi Araki P3 Art and Environment,Tokyo
2002 Fine prize for "The 19th 3.3sqm Exhibition”Guardian Garden,Tokyo
2014 Prize for "KASSEL PHOTO BOOK AWARD" The Photobook Museum,Cologne
2015 Received "Foam's Paul Huf Award" Foam Museum, Amsterdam

2012 "UNSEEN/TSUNAMI" (with Kohey Kanno) ( Dashwood Books, NY)
2013“DILDO” (session press, 2013) selected for 2013 PHOTOEYE BEST PHOTOBOOK by Hisako Motoo.
2014“BIBLE” (session press, 2014) selected for KASSEL PHOTOBOOK AWARD 2014 by Manik Katyal; PHOTOEYE BEST BOOK 2014 by Colin Pantall and Manik Katyal; CLAXTON PROJECTS

Momo Okabe   Bible & Dildo
2015 11/26 (Thu) – 12/22 (Tue)
Open : 13:00 – 19:00
Closed : Wed. Sun and Holiday

東京都千代田区九段南2ー2ー8 松岡九段ビル205号室
TEL: 03ー3264ー4871
E-MAIL: info@gallery-naruyama.com 
ホームページ: http://www.gallery-naruyama.com/

Gallery Naruyama
Matsuoka Kudan Building #205, 2-2-8 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0074
Tel : 03 3264 4871
E-mail: info@gallery-naruyama.com
Web: http://www.gallery-naruyama.com

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